Our 53rd Education Conference Has Concluded!
Thank you!
I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for participating in the NFPA 53rd Education Conference “Many Stories. One Voice.” on June 21-23. It is with the generosity and support of so many talented people that we can offer such a rich and important educational event for families, caregivers and their supports.
I hope you found it to be a positive experience. Your presence and engagement helped make the event a success and we truly appreciate your time and participation.
Join Us – Now’s the Time!
If you are not yet an NFPA member, or are considering renewing, we invite you to join us now! Rates go up July 1. Take advantage of our free one-year membership offer, compliments of United Healthcare, for new members as well as those wishing to renew or extend their membership for an additional year. Learn more about free NFPA membership or Sign-up Now!
Attendee Training Certificates
Certificates, with the Sessions you attended and # of hours, were sent out on Friday, 6/28. They will arrive from ‘Certifier’ with the subject line: (Your Name), here is your credential for Many Stories, One Voice: NFPA Education Conference Training Certificate.
Handouts, Slides and Materials
Handouts, slides and materials provided by the presenters can be found on the Yapp app, at the bottom of each presentation description under “Schedule.”
We look forward to working and connecting with you in the coming year.
Best Regards,
Arnold ‘Arnie’ Eby
Executive Director, National Foster Parent Association (NFPA)
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Our 2024 Conference Attendees Said…
I needed to hear this presentation about HOPE. Perfect timing. Speaker did an excellent job.
Amazing and informative topic. Strong information that I am able to take back to my state and foster parents.
It was great to hear from birth parents and how the relationship with the resource parents was fostered to get to where they are today.
Presenter was incredible, a wealth of knowledge. Thankful to have heard and gotten his info.
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